Sell Terms of Service

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Sell Terms of Service Rules to Sell Your Car

By listing your vehicle for sale through the Sell Your Car experience, you acknowledge and agree that: (a) the vehicle you list for sale is in your possession; (b) you have the right to transfer the advertised vehicle’s title to the purchaser; (c) you are willing to sell the advertised vehicle at the price and on any other terms specified in your listing; (d) you will purchase only one listing per unique vehicle and you will not advertise more than one vehicle in a single listing, either by including descriptions of multiple cars in one listing or by subsequently updating the listing information to advertise different vehicles; (e) upon selling or otherwise taking your vehicle off the market, you will within 72 hours delete the listing for that vehicle; (f) you will not use your listing to advertise or promote anything (including, without limitation, any product, service or business) other than one unique vehicle offered for sale; (g) you will owe for your Sell Your Car listing, even if you fail to sell your vehicle or are dissatisfied with the Sell Your Car experience; (h) you will properly identify yourself as either an “Individual Seller” or a “Dealer” (a “Dealer” is any individual or entity that is in the business of selling vehicles or who has had 4 or more vehicles for sale on the site within the previous 12 months of the listing start date; anyone that does not meet the definition of a Dealer is an “Individual Seller”); (j) if you placed a listing with a material error that cannot be corrected through the provided tools, you will contact customer service within 1 day of your original listing date to inquire about making material changes to your listing (e.g., through a typographical error, you listed the wrong model for sale) and shall determine, in its sole discretion, whether such changes will be permitted; (k) you will not use the site, including without limitation your Sell Your Car listing as well as any mobile versions of the site and/or any similar versions (the “Site”), for any fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive activity; (l) all content and information that you provide to is truthful, accurate and complete; and (m) you have the full right, title and interest in and to all content, photos and other material that you provide to, or post on,; (n) photos provided for the Sell Your Car listing will only show the vehicle listed for sale and may not include under any circumstances people, animals, or other objects not part of the vehicle. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove any Sell Your Car listing or photo, without notice and without liability or providing a refund, that does not meet the requirements of these Sell Your Car Terms & Conditions (“Sell Terms”),’s website Terms of Service,’s policies, or if otherwise determines or believes, in’s sole and exclusive discretion, that your listing or any photo or other content you upload is inappropriate for any legal, business, technical or other reason.

Sell Your Car Materials

By submitting ads, content, photos, data or other materials (“Materials”) to the Site, you hereby grant to a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, fully transferable, fully sublicensable right and license to copy, modify, display, distribute, perform, create derivative works from, and otherwise use and exploit all such Materials in any form, media, software or technology of any kind now existing or developed in the future. You further grant to a royalty-free right and license to use your name, image and likeness in connection with the reproduction or distribution of the Materials.

Sell Terms Acknowledgement

These Sell Terms do not describe’s collection, use and disclosure of information through means other than this Site (e.g., off-line) or the collection, use and disclosure practices of any third party. For information on a third party’s information collection, use and disclosure practices, please review the privacy policy on the applicable third party’s website. Also, please note that this Site contains links to other websites. is not responsible for the websites, content or privacy practices of any third party. By using this Site, you acknowledge that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Sell Terms,  the Terms of Service, the Privacy Statement.

Listing Details Sell Your Car listings may sometimes only be created for the vehicles and models specifically identified in Build Your Ad Form (or similar) drop-down menus. You are solely responsible for the information, content, and photos contained within your Sell Your Car listings. Sell Your Car listings only contain the features expressly indicated. In some cases, different features are available to other advertisers (including but not limited to “Certified Pre-Owned” logos) that are not available to you. Sell Your Car listings may not appear on the site for up to 72 hours. WIPMARKET.COM DOES NOT MAKE AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES TO YOU REGARDING THE SELL IT YOURSELF SERVICE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES THAT YOU WILL SELL YOUR VEHICLE, OBTAIN AN ACCEPTABLE PRICE FOR YOUR VEHICLE, ONLY RECEIVE LEGITIMATE INQUIRIES OR SOLICITATIONS FROM QUALIFIED BUYERS, OR RECEIVE ANY INQUIRIES REGARDING YOUR VEHICLE FOR SALE. reserves the right to, but is under no obligation to and does not assume any obligation to, review Sell Your Car listings before and/or after they are posted to the site to confirm information relating to the advertiser and the advertised vehicle and to investigate complaints and suspicious activity. If determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that you are engaging in any unfair, deceptive, false, misleading or fraudulent practices, reserves the right to reject or immediately remove your listing from the site without notice and without liability or providing a refund, as described above.

If you have any questions about this refund policy, please contact us through our customer contact information on reserves the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time.


Last Updated — August 17, 2022
