
North Carolina provides fewer incentives for electric vehicle buyers than many other states. If you’re considering buying an EV in North Carolina or upgrading your home infrastructure for more energy-friendly systems, here’s what you need to know.

As incentive programs shift over time, it is crucial that you research the current incentives before you buy, or consult a tax specialist, to ensure you qualify for a rebate or tax credit. The information in this article was current as of its publication date.

Does North Carolina Have Tax Credits For Buying New EVs?

No, the state of North Carolina does not have incentives or rebates for new electric vehicle owners.

Does North Carolina Have Tax Credits for Buying Used EVs?

No, the state of North Carolina does not have incentives or rebates for residents who buy a used electric vehicle.

Does North Carolina Have Credits for Installing Home Charging Stations?

Though North Carolina does not have a statewide program for home charging credits or rebates, some utility providers may offer their own incentives. Residents of North Carolina who wish to install a home charging station should check with their utility company for eligibility.

Does North Carolina Have Credits For Installing Solar Panels?

Though North Carolina does not have a statewide program for residential solar, some utility providers may offer their own incentives. Residents of North Carolina who wish to install solar panels should check with their utility company for eligibility.

Does North Carolina Penalize EV Buyers?

Yes, North Carolina assesses a $180 annual fee to EV buyers. That’s on top of the typical $38.75 annual registration fee for drivers of gas vehicles.

What Other EV Incentives Can I Get in North Carolina?

As mentioned, there are some basic benefits for EV and plug-in hybrid drivers. This includes an emissions inspection exemption and full use of the carpool lane. Be sure to check with local governments and utility companies to see if there are any other options for hopeful EV and plug-in hybrid shoppers. Residents of North Carolina should also be sure to take advantage of available federal incentives.


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