
Charlotte Latvala

Do you have creaky knees? Are you confused by new technology? Do you rehash the same stories again and again?

In our “60 is the new 40” culture, it’s hard to define old age. But I’ll take a stab at it. You’re officially old if:

· You have a pair of “good scissors.”

· You get inordinately upset if the good scissors go missing. Your world is further rocked when it is revealed that the good scissors are at college with your daughter.

· You become borderline unhinged when Costco rearranges the merchandise. You may even attract the attention of other shoppers as you sigh and make exasperated hand motions, signaling the depths of your despair when you can’t find the cat litter.

· You’re confused when people younger than you reminisce about their teen years. What do they have to pine about? The 1990s were just a few heartbeats ago. These people are children, gosh darn it.


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