
A celebrity talent agent accused of trying to use his Range Rover to bulldoze a cycling vigilante out of the way was today cleared of dangerous driving after a court heard he was ‘intimidated’ when the activist ‘jumped’ onto his bonnet. 

Paul Lyon-Maris, 60, who has represented Alan Rickman, Sir Ian McKellen and Warwick Davis, took an illegal right turn on his way to a physio appointment in central London last year.

But he was blocked by Mike van Erp, 50, who was standing in the road while filming on a head-mounted camera and using a selfie stick.

The talent agent was said to be fuming when his journey was interrupted by the activist, who is well-known for his videos catching out drivers including celebrities Guy Ritchie and Chris Eubank.

Footage showed the moment YouTuber Mr Van Erp then came down on to the bonnet of Mr Lyon-Maris’ Range Rover, which continued to drive forward for some 60ft before turning the corner at the junction by London‘s Regent’s Park, dubbed Gandalf Corner.

The Dutch cycling campaigner could be heard yelling: ‘Why are you driving into me?’ Mr Lyon-Maris then shouted back: ‘I’ve got an appointment at half-past eight. Get out of the way!’ 

Following a short argument, Mr Van Erp is heard saying: ‘Hey Siri, call 999’ before officers arrived at the scene.

Paul Lyon-Maris, 60, was cleared of dangerous driving and common assault

Mike van Erp, 50, is well-known for his videos catching out drivers including celebrities Guy Ritchie and Chris Eubank

Paul Lyon-Maris, 60, (left) was said to be fuming when his route was blocked by Mike van Erp, 50 (right). The YouTuber, known as CyclingMikey, is well known for his videos catching out drivers including celebrities Guy Ritchie and Chris Eubank

Mr Lyon-Maris said he felt ‘surprised and a little intimidated’ when the cyclist jumped on his bonnet holding a selfie stick on September 9 last year.

He told jurors it was simply not true that he drove purposely at Mr Van Erp in a ‘fit of rage and anger’.

A jury at Southwark Crown Court took three hours and 51 minutes to cleared the agent of dangerous driving and common assault. 

Mr Lyon-Maris, a director of the Independent Talent Group with clients including Singing Detective star Sir Michael Gambon and X-Files actress Gillian Anderson, denied the charges.

Giving evidence Mr Van Erp said Mr Lyon-Maris had warned him to ‘get out the way’ during the confrontation.

‘I think it started as I stood in front of him and made him come to a stop. Then the driver drove into me, and I fell onto his bonnet for the first time,’ the activist said.

Michael Epstein, defending, had asked the YouTuber how many interactions with motorists he had uploaded clips of.

‘I’m not sure of the most accurate account, but I have been YouTube-ing since 2006, since 2018 there has been more than 1,000 uploaded,’ Mr Van Erp said.

‘I say 2018 because the transport police were rarely charging dangerous drivers just warning them.

‘I have about 1,000 reports of bad driving. But my concern is far more with justice than with social media.’ 

The barrister asked: ‘The truth is that this is what you do isn’t it? If cars don’t adhere to what you’re telling them to do this is your sort of fallback position?

‘If cars don’t adhere to the orders, you are giving them, If the drivers of those vehicles don’t comply, you have a default position of getting on the bonnets of those vehicles and claiming they have driven into you.’

Mr Van Erp replied: ‘I’m not giving drivers orders I’m just infringing on them going forwards. I have no authority, I’m just telling them to go back. I’m just an ordinary member of the public.’

Mr Lyon-Maris had taken an illegal right turn to avoid a queue of traffic at the junction by London's Regent's Park while his way to a physio appointment last year

Mr Lyon-Maris had taken an illegal right turn to avoid a queue of traffic at the junction by London’s Regent’s Park while his way to a physio appointment last year

Footage shows the moment the Mr Van Erp comes down on to the bonnet of Mr Lyon-Maris's Range Rover, which continues to drive forward and turn the corner

Footage shows the moment the Mr Van Erp comes down on to the bonnet of Mr Lyon-Maris’s Range Rover, which continues to drive forward and turn the corner

Mr Epstein asked: ‘Do you genuinely think the risk you were taking, walking into the road, posed a risk only to yourself, you don’t believe the actions of yourself posed a risk to other road users?’

Mr Van Erp replied: ‘I don’t see how a pedestrian poses a risk to other road users.’ 

Mr Lyon-Maris admitted driving around the keep left sign but said he told the cyclist to ‘please’ get out of his way after he jumped on his bonnet.

‘A man stepped right in front of my car. I wasn’t going very fast, I applied the brakes and stopped in front of him,’ he said.

‘I didn’t know who he was or what he was trying to do. In his left hand he had a long stick.

‘I was met with an intimidating figure. I came up with something to calm him down. I said I was on my way to a doctor’s appointment. I said it because I thought it was a calming thing to say.

‘He then, with the stick, banged it on the windscreen, at which point I said: ”What the hell”. Before I knew it he was on my bonnet.

Following a short argument, Mr Van Erp is heard saying, 'Hey Siri, call 999' before officers arrived at the scene

Following a short argument, Mr Van Erp is heard saying, ‘Hey Siri, call 999’ before officers arrived at the scene

Mr Epstein asked: ‘How did he come to be on your bonnet?’ 

Mr Lyon-Maris replied: ‘He jumped on it, fell on it. He was on the bonnet. I had to make a decision about what to do.

‘It was a time of heightened nerves due to Covid. There was a stranger on my bonnet with a stick in his hand.

‘I did decide to move forwards out of the way of any traffic and pull over. He was calling the police, it was clear the police would arrive.’

Mr Epstein asked: ‘The allegation is that in a fit of rage and anger you purposely drove at him and he ended up on your bonnet.’ 

Mr Lyon-Maris replied: ‘Simply not true.’

Mr Epstein asked: ‘How would you describe your feelings?’

‘Surprised and a little intimidated,’ Lyon-Maris said. 

James Dean, prosecuting, asked him: ‘Why were you gesticulating wildly at the windscreen?’ 

Mr Lyon-Maris replied: ‘Because someone was on my bonnet. I was very polite. I said please get out of my way.’

Mr Dean: ‘You became instantly enraged.’

Mr Lyon-Maris: ‘I don’t become enraged.’

A jury at Southwark Crown Court took three hours and 51 minutes to clear the agent of dangerous driving and common assault

A jury at Southwark Crown Court took three hours and 51 minutes to clear the agent of dangerous driving and common assault 

Summing up the case the judge, Mr Jonathan Bellamy said: ‘The defendant is a man of previously good character.

‘The fact that he is 60 and of good character could mean he is less likely to commit the offences with which he has been charged.

‘Mr Van Erp has been a road traffic safety activist since at least 2006. Lyon-Maris came to a stop a short distance in front of him.

‘He says the defendant was agitated and gesticulating from the driver’s seat.

‘Van Erp’s evidence was that he [Mr Lyon-Maris] drove at him and struck him on two occasions.

‘He describes the contact as being at or around the bottom of his ribcage. Mr Van Erp did not sustain any physical injury.

‘The driver described Mr Van Erp as an intimidating figure. He said he told him he was on the way to the doctor rather than the physiotherapist because he thought this would have a calming effect.

‘He said he did not drive at Mr Van Erp, but that he jumped onto the bonnet of his vehicle. He said that Mr Van Erp struck the windscreen of his car with a selfie stick. The defendant’s evidence was that he was not enraged at the time of the incident.

‘He said he had to make a decision about what to do, and that this was his instinctive decision.’

Mr Lyon-Maris, of Belsize Park, north London, denied and was cleared of dangerous driving and common assault. 

He earlier admitted failing to comply with a road sign and was fined following a magistrates court hearing.

How YouTube vigilante ‘CyclingMikey’ has caught out thousands of drivers including Frank Lampard, Guy Ritchie and Chris Eubank leading to hundreds of convictions…but has his war against motorists FINALLY hit a dead end? 

The vigilante cyclist who today lost his case against a celebrity talent agent he accused of trying to bulldoze him with his Range Rover is a road safety warrior who has successfully shopped hundreds of drivers including Guy Ritchie and Chris Eubank.

Mike Van Erp, 50, better known by his YouTube name, CyclingMikey, rides around London with a GoPro to catch drivers using their phones – often in traffic jams or by red lights – before confronting them on video and noting down their number plate.

While he claims to have caught more than 2,000 offenders since first strapping on his ‘helmet-cam’ back in 2006, he suffered a rare setback today after a jury cleared 60-year-old Paul Lyon-Maris of charges of dangerous driving and common assault.

Mr Van Erp came across Mr Lyon-Maris on September 9 last year by a junction near London’s Regent’s Park – a familiar hunting ground. Noticing the driver had performed an illegal right turn; he confronted the agent by standing in front of his car only to end up on his bonnet for some 60ft.

The cycling campaigner can be heard on video yelling: ‘Why are you driving into me?’ Lyon-Maris then shouts back: ‘I’ve got an appointment at half past eight. Get out of the way!’ Following a short argument, Mr Van Erp says ‘Hey Siri, call 999’ before officers arrive at the scene.

Mike Van Erp, 50, better known by his YouTube name, CyclingMikey, rides around London with a GoPro to catch drivers using their phones - often in traffic jams or by red lights - before confronting them on video and noting down their number plate

Mike Van Erp, 50, better known by his YouTube name, CyclingMikey, rides around London with a GoPro to catch drivers using their phones – often in traffic jams or by red lights – before confronting them on video and noting down their number plate

In court, prosecutor James Dean said he ‘used his car as a weapon’ in an act of ‘road rage’ against Mr Van Erp. But Mr Lyon-Maris told jurors he felt ‘intimidated’ when the activist ‘jumped’ on his bonnet, and he was cleared of dangerous driving and common assault. He had already accepted a fine for the illegal turn.

Mr Van Erp, who works as a carer, told Southwark Crown Court how he first gained ‘notoriety’ after broadcaster Jeremy Vine retweeted one of his videos of him on the bonnet of a silver Mercedes. 

One of his most high profile scalps came in the summer of 2020 when he caught Guy Ritchie driving his Range Rover through Hyde Park. The film director was ultimately given six points, fined and banned from driving for six months.

Asked afterwards what motivated his crusade, he told MailOnline: ‘My dad was killed by a drink-driver when I was 19, I still remember him, so I feel very strongly about road safety. I first got my helmet camera in 2006 and realised its potential.’

In a separate interview, the Dutch national – who was born in Zimbabwe – recalled how he had arrived at the site to see his father’s body in the road, covered by a rug. Mr Van Erp claims to have caught more than 1,000 drivers in the last three years alone, after it became easier for civilians to report crime via the internet. Over 600 have been prosecuted.

Earlier this year, it emerged that former England footballer Frank Lampard had been caught on camera by Mr Van Erp holding a phone while at the wheel of his car. Lampard was filmed driving his £250,000 Mercedes G-wagon holding a cup of coffee and his mobile but escaped prosecution because the CPS said there was ‘insufficient evidence’.

Earlier this year, it emerged that former England footballer Frank Lampard had been caught on camera by Mr Van Erp holding a phone while at the wheel of his car. Lampard was filmed driving his £250,000 Mercedes G-wagon holding a cup of coffee and his mobile but escaped prosecution because the CPS said there was 'insufficient evidence'

 Earlier this year, it emerged that former England footballer Frank Lampard had been caught on camera by Mr Van Erp holding a phone while at the wheel of his car. Lampard was filmed driving his £250,000 Mercedes G-wagon holding a cup of coffee and his mobile but escaped prosecution because the CPS said there was ‘insufficient evidence’

The ex-Chelsea midfielder had employed the services of Nick Freeman — the lawyer known as ‘Mr Loophole’ due to his success at getting famous clientele off — to defend him. He’d denied a charge of ‘using a handheld mobile phone/device while driving a motor vehicle on a road’ and Mr Freeman successfully argued that it could not be proved that Lampard was interacting with his phone.

Others have not been so fortunate. In September 2021, former boxer Chris Eubank was given three points and fined for running a red light after trying to flee from Mike, who had challenged him for trying to connect to his hands-free phone system.

‘Apparently he said he was worried that I was a stalker,’ Mr van Erp reflected in an interview with the Daily Mail. ‘Although I can’t imagine Chris Eubank really being scared of anyone, can you?’

Having moved to the UK in 1998, aged 26, with his then-wife — they have since divorced — to work in IT, Mr Van Erp said he became acutely aware of dangerous motorists as he cycled to work.

‘I was commuting in from Kent to London and there would be at least one incident a day where my personal safety was at risk,’ he says. ‘People driving right up behind me or within a whisker of me.’ So, by 2006, when chat on cycle forums turned to the availability of helmet cameras, he decided to buy one.

Back then, reporting an offence was a laborious process. ‘You’d have to burn a DVD and go to the police station to fill out a long form, so you only did it for the really serious ones,’ he says. ‘For a long time, it was purely to try to stop people from driving recklessly around me.’

That changed in 2018 with the emergence of online reporting. ‘It made things much easier — you just edit footage and upload it with a few more details,’ he says. ‘I got a few of those to court and I thought ‘wow I can really make a difference’. That’s when I started focusing on people more generally.’

In his court case against Paul Lyon-Maris, Mr Van Erp told the jury he accepted stepping out in front of vehicles is ‘risky’ but added: ‘I look at it in the same way as taking the keys off a drink driver – I want to stop the immediate harm.’

However, he was slated by defence lawyer Michael Epstein, who suggested video of the incident proved his real motive to achieve online ‘notoriety’.

‘I suggest that was a conscious move on your part to get on the bonnet of his vehicle,’ he said. ‘That was a pre-determined choreographed action to grab and hold onto that bonnet.’

Mr Van Erp denied his actions were deliberate. ‘He specifically drove into me twice. Mr Lyon-Maris drove right up to me and hit me.

‘You are trying to suggest I am the antagonist here.’

‘I am,’ replied the defence lawyer.

Ultimately the jury would go on to find Mr Lyon-Maris not guilty of all charges – dealing a blow to Mr Van Erp’s war on motorists.

Whether it proves to be a fatal one remains to be seen.


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