Tesla owner implants chip in hand to unlock, start car

Tesla owner implants chip in hand to unlock, start car

August 24, 2022
Posted by: admin


(CNN) – A Michigan man never again has to worry about losing his car keys after he had a chip implanted in his hand that unlocks and starts his Tesla.

Brandon Dalaly had the chip implanted under local anesthetic at a tattoo and piercing parlor. A few days later, his hand hardly sore, he could use it to open his Tesla by hovering over the door pillar.

“You can’t lose your hand, so you always have a way of getting in your car,” Dalaly said.

Though he’s been mocked online as an Elon Musk groupie, Dalaly says he’s actually just a huge technology nerd. What he really wants is for the chip to be updated, so the implant will work for credit cards.

Until that’s possible, Dalaly will settle for using it to start his Tesla by holding his hand over the console.

“Getting a lot of comments saying, ‘What if someone comes after you and chops off your hand?’” Dalaly said.

He already has a chip implanted in his other hand that allows him to unlock the door to his home. It also holds his contact and medical information, such as COVID vaccinations. It glows green, so you know the phone is reading it.


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