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 has become the first automaker to receive permits in California and Nevada for special exterior marker lights on automated vehicles.

The California permit, limited to two years, is for test vehicles, while the Nevada permit is for Model Year 2026 production cars.

These permits enable Mercedes-Benz to explore how automated vehicles interact with other road users.

The turquoise marker lights, conforming to SAE J3134, indicate the status of the automated driving system, aiding in public acceptance and road safety.

The lights are integrated into various parts of the vehicle, including front and rear lights and outside mirrors. This innovation, part of Mercedes-Benz’s DRIVE PILOT system, represents a significant step in automated vehicle communication and safety standards.

“With the development of automated driving marker lights, Mercedes-Benz is once again setting new industry standards. We are the first automaker in the world to receive such approvals in the U.S., specifically in California and Nevada. The more automated driving vehicles populate the road, the more important communication and interaction between the vehicle and the environment become.” – Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Chief Technology Officer, Development & Purchasing.


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